Don’t Worry…Create!

It’s a gloomy Friday morning at camp (yes, I’m still here!) and I just finished updating our 2021 registration form, which will go “live” this Monday at 9 am. Thinking about opening Camp YJ for Summer 2021, I’m filled with anticipation, excitement and happiness. And if I’m being honest, I’m also filled with a little bit of trepidation, uncertainty and worry.

 There are many unknowns about Summer 2021: Will there be a vaccine? Will there be better and faster testing? Will the state of New Hampshire provide us with guidelines? How will we handle masks, social distancing, meals, bunk groups, programs? How can we make sure that camp feels like camp, even if we need to make some changes?

 Many of us are struggling with a feeling of worry not only about the future, but about our loss of control over so many aspects of our daily lives: the increase in virus cases, seemingly constant change in school options, the election, social justice inequities, climate concerns. We bemoan the loss or alteration of so many social gatherings: get-togethers, family celebrations, hangouts with friends. And of course, we mourn the loss of so many people in our lives.

 It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. And then I remembered a phrase that I have hanging on my office wall:

 Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.

 That’s what Camp YJ did this past summer. When it became clear that we could not safely open for 2020, I was not willing to imagine a summer without connection to campers, counselors, and all the ideals, values, programs and fun that camp provides to our campers and staff. Thankfully, our Board not only agreed, but supported and encouraged the plan.

 Working with my dedicated and creative administrative staff, we pivoted to the idea of a virtual camp program and spent weeks putting together an engaging four-week program called CYJ@Home.

 Instead of worrying about what we couldn’t control, we shifted our energy to what we could create…and what we created was something truly special and meaningful. We employed 40 counselors and 15 administrators. More than 200 campers, ranging in age from 7 to 15, signed up. Our Gadna ’20 campers volunteered their time to help and our counselors stepped up with innovative programs and great evening activities. Our administrators provided support and training. Nothing can replace a summer at camp in 03031, but so many parents told us that the CYJ@Home program truly made a difference. Many, many thanks to everyone who participated!

 Now we’re looking towards Summer 2021. Along with staff members Melissa, Marni and Itzy, I’m making sure we are focusing on crafting a summer program that will be safe and fun, rather than spending time worrying about all the unknowns.

 We’ve been making phone calls, doing research, attending meetings, seminars and conferences. We’ve been brainstorming with our administrative staff and working closely with our Board of Directors, drawing up plans, sharing ideas and making sure we are relying on the best medical and practical advice possible. We’ve been talking to parents, staff, alumni and campers to hear their feedback.

 We’ve also been exploring ways to stay connected to our campers, families, alumni and supporters. For example, we hope you’ll join us next Saturday night, October 24th, for a brief Havdalah service and sing-a-long, starting at 6 pm. If you’re interested in participating on camera (helping in the Havdalah service or singing a song afterwards, please reach out to Itzy at in the next few days!)

 Please be sure to mark Sunday November 29th on your calendar. Normally, that would be the date of our annual in-person reunion held in the Boston area. Instead, we’ll be offering a unique “Un-Reunion Reunion” online event, complete with prizes, games and opportunities to connect with friends and counselors.

 We welcome your ideas, suggestions and thoughts in finding and focusing on new ways to be creative. Feel free to email me at I look forward to hearing from you.






Itzy Tells All: What’s new this summer?


A Message from Itzy